
Hey there! 👋, I'm-

Youssef Hajjari.

Full Stack javascript developer.
A self-taught developer with an interest in Computer Science.

🚀 Exploring opportunities and side projects.

About Me 🚀

With IT Domaine, I am highly motivated and have a strong passion for web development.

I've gained a lot of experience from youcode school internships and projects, and I'm also a quick learner who isn't hesitant to try out new technologies as well as problem-solving abilities that are intuitive.
I've worked with a lot of frameworks, Especially express in node js, React in JavaScript, and Laravel in PHP, for the versioning part I used Git, GitHub and for the testing part used jest.
Youcode Projects Helped me a lot to strengthen my skills in Those Technologies, Team working, and team management as I was almost the lead in all of my groups.

jsYoussef Hajjari

Keep In Touch.

I'm currently specializing in. Javascript Development
Feel free to get in touch and talk to me.

Designed and Developed by Youssef Hajjari.
Built with Next.js & Chakra UI. Hosted on Vercel.